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Dr. Mark Rivers


PhD (Ecohydrology)




Dr. Mark Rivers is the Principal of ClearWater Research and Management and has over 30 years experience in natural resource management, catchment hydrology and sustainable development projects in the academic, public and private sectors. He holds science qualifications in the areas of both geophysics and environmental management and has a successful track record of securing major public funds for sustainable development projects throughout Australia as well as overseas. He is a recipient of awards for both scientific excellence and environmental management, and specialises in the development of practical solutions to complex catchment management issues.

His work on topics ranging from soil and nutrient management to catchment-scale system dynamics models has been published in numerous journals.

Mark is an expert in dynamic modelling of environmental systems, the relationship between land management and water quality, and the communication of complex scientific principles to a non-expert audience. His expertise in research review and project evaluation for industry and regional-scale management agencies is widely sought.

Mark has worked on projects throughout Australia as well as in China, the UK, Turkey, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland and the USA.


Prof. Neil Coles

Senior Associate

LLW (Water Law)


PhD (Hydrology)



Prof. Neil Coles holds qualifications in Hydrology, Environmental Management, Economics and Law.  He has over 30 years practical experience in the Agriculture, Mining and Water sectors and has held several senior management positions in public, academic and private institutions including the inaugural Directorship of the Centre of Excellence for Ecohydrology at the University of Western Australia. As well as his work with ClearWater, Neil is currently a Professor at the University of Dundee and a Guest Professor at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.

Neil has many areas of expertise, but he has a special interest in the analysis and development of multi-functional catchments: catchments where the impacts and needs of all of the regional partners - industries, individuals, community and natural resource management groups - are assessed equitably to develop a truly coordinated and sustainable approach to land and water management. He also has expertise in hydrology, landscape assessment, soils, water supply design & water resources modelling.

He brings a wealth of experience in co-ordinating and managing large, complex projects to his work at ClearWater and is also one of our qualified trainers.


Dr. Kevin Johnson

Senior Associate

PhD (Industrial Development Planning)



Dr. Kevin Johnson’s principal area of expertise is in quantitative modelling and its application to local and regional economic development. He is highly experienced in statistical, economic and population analysis and at the forefront of the use of non-linear systems techniques for developing predictive models in urban and regional development. He is a published author in the quantitative analysis of knowledge economies, the economic value of the arts and the use of sophisticated decision-support tools in infrastructure planning.

Kevin is especially skilled in the Investment Logic Mapping process, cost benefit analysis for public infrastructure investment and advanced statistics.

He has worked on numerous development planning projects around Australia and has steered many government and community organisations towards truly sustainable development.


Prof. Jeff Camkin

Senior Associate


B.App.Sc (Fisheries)

Prof. Jeff Camkin has held a wide range of positions in water, irrigation and fisheries education, research, management, policy and governance over the past 30 years. As well as working with ClearWater, he is currently Professor (Water Resource Management) at the University of Western Australia, Visiting Professor at the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering at the UNESCO International Centre for Coastal Ecohydrology in Portugal, Coordinator for the UNESCO HELP program in Australia, and one of four Global Ambassadors for the Australian Water Association.

Jeff has extensive national and international networks and has developed a strong understanding of global water issues through work on all continents. He is currently based in Portugal and is one of ClearWater’s two Europe-based Senior Associates.

Jeff specialises in building internationally collaborative partnerships on water research, education and management, and this work has included the design and delivery of new Masters level courses on Water and Agricultural Landscapes, Ecohydrology and Global Water Issues and Integrated Water Resource Management in both Europe and Australia. Prof Camkin is also co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the “New Water Policy and Practice Journal”, which, supported by the Policy Studies Organisation, Washington DC, was launched in August 2013 to provide a platform for the world’s emerging water leaders and thinkers.


Prof. Susana Neto

Senior Associate

PhD (Water and Territorial Planning) MSc (Urban and Regional Planning)

B.Eng (Civil)

Prof. Susana Neto is our second Europe-based Senior Associate. She holds a degree in Civil Engineering, an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning and a PhD in Water and Territorial Planning. She has been involved in research and policy for integrated water management and territorial planning for the last 30 years, and has an impressive presentation and publication record. Her specialities are focussed on regional-scale integrated water planning, eduction and evaluation.

As well as working with ClearWater Susana currently holds a number of important positions in academia and public governance. She is an Adjunct Professor in Engineering at the University of Western Australia, a Senior Researcher with the New University of Lisbon and the Technical University of Lisbon and a Senior Officer at the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Spatial Planning. In this Public Administration role she is also President of the Scientific Committee of the General Directorate of the Territory and coordinates Portuguese representation in the European Operational Programme URBACT II.

Susana has been influential in several reforms for new institutional frameworks for water management, and played a coordinating role at the National Water Institute in the development of the Portuguese National Water Plan and 15 associated river basin plans. She is also the Guadiana River Basin delegate to the UNESCO HELP Program. Together with Jeff Camkin, Susana is also co-founder of the “New Water Policy and Practice Journal”.

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